Think like Chuck Norris

Good morning everyone,
Our theme for this month: “Take care of yourself”
Our Bible verse for today: “Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable – if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy – dwell on these things.” Philippians 4:8 (CSB)
Our thought for today: “Think like Chuck Norris”
Do you like Chuck Norris? I like Chuck Norris. In fact, I want to be Chuck Norris. Seriously. Recently I even briefly enrolled in a Chuck Norris karate school. The style is American Tang Soo Do and it is the system taught by Chuck Norris. Unfortunately, the school was located forty miles away in another town and the classes didn’t even begin until 7:30 at night. That was too far to drive and it was too late at night for me. (That’s my excuse anyway and I’m sticking to it.)
Recently I also read Chuck’s autobiography. Did you know Chuck Norris is a strong Christian? He is. He will tell you his faith is the most important thing about him. His faith is foundational to who he is as a man. Another important character trait of his that’s foundational and which has gone a long way towards impacting the success he has had in life is that he is compulsive about positive thinking. Chuck learned a long time ago that our thoughts determine everything else about us. Our thoughts form our beliefs about ourself, about other people, and about the world. What we allow our minds to dwell on also determines not just what we think, but what we say and do (or what we don’t do).
That truth isn’t original with Chuck Norris. It’s the lesson the Apostle Paul taught two thousand years ago when he wrote Philippians 4:8. But it also wasn’t even original with Paul. The Proverbs of Solomon in the Old Testament are also filled with life-lessons regarding the importance of positive thinking.
Positive thinking is more than just important, it is powerful. More than seventy years ago Dr. Norman Vincent Peale wrote a great book titled, “The Power of Positive Thinking.” In the introduction to that book, he explained that for the Christian the power of positive thinking is “applied Christianity.” The Bible teaches us to think positively, and positive Biblical thinking is one of the greatest powers we as aa Christian have available to us.
Chuck Norris will tell you that his karate skills are not the most important factor to his success in life. His faith and his positive thinking are more important. He has spent decades nurturing his faith and growing as a Christian. He has also trained his mind to think positive thoughts and to expect positive results.
We would all do well to think like Chuck Norris.
God bless,
Pastor Jim  
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