Acts 1:8 Ministry Model

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” – Acts 1:8 

“Oak Hill Baptist Church is committed to being on-mission with Jesus Christ in Cumberland County, in the state of Tennessee, in the United States of America, and to the very ends of the earth.”

The Acts 1:8 ministry model is an approach to church life that leads the church as a group, and as individuals, to live-out our faith in actual practice, making a meaningful difference in the lives of hurting people.

The Acts 1:8 ministry model provides a framework within which all the rest of church life fits. The church gathers at appointed times for worship, instruction, training, encouragement and fellowship, but all with an eye towards then going back out into the world to share the love of Jesus through acts of compassion and witness.

In our Jerusalem (Cumberland County) Oak Hill Baptist partners with the Bread of Life Rescue Mission. Oak Hill Baptist provides monthly financial support to the mission. Also, once each quarter, the church holds an evangelistic meeting at the mission on a Sunday night, and then prepares and serves the evening meal. Our church also works in the Cumberland County Jail and in state prisons assisting men with lifelong substance abuse problems to get into long-term recovery programs.  

In our Judea (the State of Tennessee) Oak Hill Baptist partners with the Lighthouse Christian Camp for disadvantaged children, located in Smithville, TN. We provide monthly financial support, transportation, and volunteer workers for camp events.

In our Samaria (the United States) Oak Hill Baptist partners with the “New Beginnings” church in Hi Hat, KY. This small church is committed to serving their community by providing assistance to impoverished families in a remote community in the coal-mining region of eastern Kentucky. Three times each year members of Oak Hill Baptist go on a weekend mission trip to Hi Hat bringing supplies of food, clothes, blankets, school supplies, furniture, and other relief items. While there, members of the church interact with members of the community – building relationships and sharing Jesus.

Internationally, Oak Hill Baptist partners with several overseas mission agencies to help facilitate short-term mission trips for OHBC members. In the Amazon Jungle of Peru, we partner with the El Arca Children’s Home. In Liberia, Africa our partner is the Liberty Baptist Church and Women’s Medical Center. In Haiti we partner with the Haitian mission agency Grace International. Also on the international level, our church serves as the home and sponsoring church for SBC International Mission Board missionaries Jeff and Rachel Gayhart. Jeff and Rachel are on long-term assignment in Southeast Asia.

The Acts 1:8 ministry model helps to keep our church intentionally obedient to the instructions our Lord gave us in Acts 1:8. We have joined with Him to share the love of God throughout the world beginning first in our own community, and then working progressively outward to the very ends of the earth.


Oak Hill Baptist is located at:
3036 Genesis Road
Crossville, TN 38571
(931) 484-5065

Service times are:
Sunday School 9:00
Worship 10:00

Sunday evening services begin at 6:00 for all ages
Wednesday prayer meeting and Bible study for all ages at 6:00

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