Don’t forget to take care of yourself too

Good morning everyone,

Our theme for this month: “Take care of yourself”

Our Bible verse for today: “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he (Jesus) got up, went out, and made his way to a deserted place; and there he was praying.” Mark 1:35 (CSB)

Our thought for today: “Don’t forget to take care of yourself too”

In the weeks after my wife Linda had a big stroke and then brain surgery, two things became apparent. One was that she was going to live. The second was that she was going to be very disabled. One day, when she was still in the rehab center, a counselor took me aside and explained how important it was going to be for me, Linda’s primary caregiver, to also take care of myself. She told me about how common it is for caregivers to get burned out because they are so focused on providing care for their loved one, that they neglect their own well-being. She stressed the truth that if I didn’t take good care of myself, I wouldn’t be able to take good care of Linda.

In the years that followed, I made it a point to follow that counselor’s advice. Fortunately for me, Linda was also very aware of and concerned about my well-being. She paid attention to how I was doing and she was always encouraging me to take a break and to do things to take care of myself.  

Caregiver burnout is a common problem, and good selfcare is the answer. But that’s true not just for those who are taking care of a sick loved one, it’s true for all of us. Good selfcare is a critical aspect in our effort to stay healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We need to pay attention to how we are doing. We have to be realistic about how much is enough and how much is too much in terms of how hard we push in life, and we need to give ourselves regular breaks.

Jesus did. In Mark 1:35 we read of just one of the occasions when Jesus took time for Himself. In a previous devotional in this series, which focused on a scene out of Mark 6:31-32, we read of a time when Jesus called a timeout from intense ministry, rounded up His entire group of disciples, and took everyone off to a remote place for a time of rest. And He did it while the crowds were still coming to them and there was still a lot of work to be done. Despite the pressing needs, Jesus and His disciples were exhausted and needed a break; and if they didn’t take that break, they would have become increasingly less effective the more tired they became.

Good selfcare is a crucial factor is staying healthy and being at our best. Take care of others, but be sure to take care of yourself too.

God bless,

Pastor Jim

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